12 Systems of the Body

  • Excretory System – large colon – we will be focusing on ridding the colon of toxic “left over” hormones.
    Healing Bentonite Clay helps to draw impacted fecal matter and heavy metals from the colon.
    Infertility Maintenance Cleanse   targets the same but in capsule form.
  • Digestive System – liver, salivary glands, gall bladder and pancreas
    Infertility Cleanse is meant to be used 15 days at a time to pull out heavy toxins from the digestive tract.
    Milk Thistle Liver Cleanse clears the liver which is helpful to processing hormones properly.  Used in traditional fertility medicine through the centuries.
    Alive Probiotics aid in recolonizing the colon with good flora.  This helps to strengthen the immune system, fight bacteria from STDs and rid the body of yeast; an strong enemy of fertility.
    Digestion Specialist  Most people don’t get enough enzymes in their food due to a poor diet and lack of healthy, uncooked fruits and veggies.  Enzymes are the spark of life and necessary for the body to create NEW life.
    Yeast Away Kit is an excellent combo for ridding the body of yeast overgrowth or after anti-biotics.
  • Endocrine System – glands, pineal, pituitary, uterus, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes
    Serrazyme is a particular enzyme that targets removing waste and dead tissue such as pus from cysts, endometriosis and stagnant blood pools
    Red Raspberry Leaf strengthens the uterus and is one of the most prescribed herbal folk remedies for pregnant women.
    Thyroid Caps are helpful to women who always have low temps.  This is the best indicator that the thyroid may be sluggish
    Natural Progesterone Cream which is certainly the most important part of this regimen.  NPC is used during the 3 months in a way that differs from normal application, in a way that will actually shut off ovulation.  This is not the same as if you don’t ovulate on your own.  We explain more about this further on.
    Super Energy Plus 180 targets the liver and thyroid along with providing a power packed daily supplement.
    Healing Bentonite ClayInfertility Maintenance Cleanse   again
  • Lymphatic System – spleen, thymus, appendix, tonsils, lymph nodes, lymph vessels and fluid
    Infertility Cleanse is excellent for clearing out the blood and lymph as well.
  • Urinary System – kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra
    Cranberry Concentrate is helpful if you have concerns about urinary tract infections or cystitis.
    Yeast Away Kit is an excellent combo for ridding the body of yeast overgrowth or after anti-biotics.
  • Reproductive System – ovaries, ova, testes, sperm
    Natural Progesterone Cream
    Serrazyme is a particular enzyme that targets removing waste and dead tissue such as pus from cysts, endometriosis and stagnant blood pools.
  • Nervous System – brain, spinal cord, nerves – a good calcium supplement will nourish the nerves.  High fiber foods usually have healthy amounts of Folic Acid.
  • Circulatory System – heart, blood vessels, blood
    Serrazyme and Infertility Cleanse
  • Integumentary System – skin, hair, nails, oil and sweat glands – collagen supplements such as Lose While You Snooze (also helpful for weight loss and better sleep)
  • Respiratory System – lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, alveoli – Write to us for more info if you have concerns.
  • Skeletal System – all bones, cartilage, joints – the best defense is an alkaline diet.  If you have achy joints consider MSM Creme.
  • Muscular System – all muscular tissue.  Write to us for more info.
  • Weightloss is not a system but we target losing weight for TTC as well for those who need it.
    Diet One Day, Lose While You Snooze and Digestion Specialist

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