This is from Anne Searles.      She used to be in our support group before things were turned more toward having the information on the website. You can sign up for our email support list by using the link on the side bar.

Please notice that she cleansed, did vitex and really researched to know her stuff. She also mentions progesterone cream and how it works and when it helped and when it didn’t. The creams are in our catalog store under Cycle Balance Cream and Happy PMS Cream.  

I think this is powerful.

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Anne had a baby boy on December 10th, 2000. Here is her story – it’s long but awesome.

This will just be a little bit on how I believe I was able to conceive.

Last year, my cycles were running around 32 days consistently, thanks to acupuncture. I started using progesterone cream (PC) in August, thinking that alone would help my luteal phase (LP). Since I wasn’t taking into consideration that I would O later because of my longer cycle, I used the PC starting day 12 or so. I did feel much better overall and slept REALLY well. I then joined the Walnut Study and had to stop using the PC. Within a month, my cycles started to stretch out to 40+ days, and by September or October, I dropped out of the study because I couldn’t handle the stress of “when is it coming?”

I dedicated October to studying the archives and reading whatever I could on herbs for treating infertility. I immediately started taking Gaia Vitex Elixir in combination with the PC. I was still taking the PC starting day 12. I was noticing EWCM about three days later but wasn’t really getting a dip rise pattern. My chart looked more like a heart monitor. Although my temps were now in the 97’s vs. the 96’s. I added Herbs, Etc. Cycle 1 Estrotonic to the follicular phase (FP), hoping it would help my O. I continued this regime until January.

In the January cycle, I started the CAD diet and continued my research. I started reading on how a PC doesn’t necessarily heal your body but rather provides a quick fix to the problem. I really wanted to be healed. I stopped the PC and increased my dosage of Vitex. By this time, I switched to Gaia Vitex Alfalfa Supreme, as I was told that once your cycles are consistent, you shouldn’t use the Elixir. After increasing my dosage, I noticed a marked improvement of my cycle and the way I felt. Also in January, I started cleansing with Nature’s Secret Multi-Herb/Multi-Fiber. I noticed I did have all the signs of O in January except for the nice thermal dip rise.

February cycle I added Black Cohosh after AF was over and as soon as I O’d or simulated O to help with my EWCM. I switched to AIM’s Herbal Fiber blend for cleansing. I continued with my increased Vitex dosage and low and behold I O’d that cycle! Unfortunately DH was out of town so no pg that month.

I had stopped doing the CAD diet after 6 weeks of reaching a 4 lb loss plateau. I wasn’t necessarily discouraged but realized that there must be something else wrong with me. So I started researching the liver and found The Liver Cleansing Diet (LCD) book. That book really opened up my mind as to the liver’s function with metabolism and the flow of hormones to the rest of your body. I had basically been cleansing my liver since January, but really wanted to focus only on that organ. Both DH and I switched to that diet and I lost an additional 4 lbs in two weeks. I was so excited. Not just because I was losing weight, but because I had obviously found my key to weight loss and I FELT SO GREAT. If you don’t want to follow the eating plan, I still encourage you to read the book. I provide so much information on the liver’s function.

This brings us to March. I continued with the LCD and switched to just plain Gaia Chasteberry (Vitex), continued with the Cycle 1 and the Black Cohosh. Well we BD’d on the day I had a dip and then I had a nice rise the next day! Then the next day I had a dip even further down than the previous dip (2nd cycle like this BTW). DH was going to be in Reno for the night and that afternoon I decided to go along with him. We BD’d that night and the next morning my temp shot even higher and STAYED up.

Melissa had told me that this double dip pattern is common so that’s why we BD’d on both days. Well, needless to say my temps stayed up and up. On Sunday, April 9 (16 DPO) I decided to take the test. It was negative. I just about fell apart. I hadn’t been this upset about a negative result in years. I started flying off the handle to DH about how I should just quit all these herbs, because I obviously wasn’t getting pg. The very calm DH said, “No now just hang in there. You’re doing great and you know you would feel like you sold out if you did it any other way.” As usual when I’m flying off the handle, he was right! Sigh!

Next day I got a message from Melissa (from another group) asking me if I was PG. I told her about Sunday and she asked me what my afternoon temps were like. I had no idea because I never took my temps in the afternoon. She said if they were up I was pg. So I got out my BBT thermometer and my regular thermometer. Popped them both in my mouth and TRIED to relax. The BBT said 98.9 and the regular said 99.5 or something. I knew there was something going on because usually I run below 98.6 on the regular thermometer. So that night when I went to sleep I prayed saying “God when I get up in the morning I’m going to take my temp and if it’s up I’m going to test again. Please let me either start AF during the night (so the stress would be over with) or let the test be positive. Amen”

At 4:30, my bladder went off, so I took my temp again; it was still up. Rather reluctantly, I went to the bathroom, got out the test, and prayed I would be able to hit the test strip in my morning fog. I capped the strip, put it on the tub next to me, and finished my business. Probably 30 seconds later, I looked at it again, and there was the faintest pink line. I put the test on the sink, washed my hands. I rubbed my eyes really well, looked at the test again, and just fell apart! The line was now bright pink. Through my tears, I thanked God for this miracle and for this list. My poor, overworked, and under-slept husband was awakened by my screech. Poor guy just about had a heart attack. He was so happy that all he could do was smile and hug me….

So that’s this year’s story in a nutshell. I firmly believe that cleansing and the Vitex got my body working normally. Vitex helped my pituitary gland work properly, and the cleansing of the liver and colon helped the hormones, bile, etc. flow through properly. For the two months prior to my pregnancy, I really felt like a brand new car. Everything was working perfectly, and I was humming along beautifully.

I would recommend to anyone starting out, especially if you’re coming from allopathic medicine, to get in touch with a Naturopathic Physician or Acupuncturist to help you along in your journey. Coming off those drugs can be like throwing your body into menopause in a week’s time. Also, and I cannot stress this enough, if you’re going to cleanse, start cleansing before TTC. Give yourself three months of dietary cleansing or whatever a “pill program” requires. If your organs aren’t clean the herbs and your hormones cannot flow through your body properly. Be prepared to feel crappy maybe the first month you cleanse. It can be a tough process. Also, take this cleansing time to read “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” (TCOYF), “Women’s Body Women’s Wisdom”, and the archives. Take the time to evaluate yourself and what you really want out of natural methods.

I think the most surprising thing for me was, once I calmed down and started to really think things through, it all became so clear and simple to me. I had to stop thinking about what someone else was taking, their symptoms, and why they were taking something, and I had to focus on ME and MY BODY.

To simplify what the key was to M-E “Get the pituitary gland to work again (vitex) and open the path ways so everything can move along smoothly(cleansing)” I hope this helps you all and brings a sense of peace and not more confusion. I have my 2nd appointment tomorrow, and if the Dr. does another ultrasound, we’re going to find out the sex. It is just so surreal to talk about myself in this manner.


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