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Bee Pollen
What is bee pollen?
Bee pollen is a substance that bees collect from flowers to use as food. When a bee climbs into a flower to gather nectar, it brushes the flower stamen, which holds pollen. The pollen is collected in tiny baskets at the back of the bee’s legs. It is taken back to the hive, and enzymes and nectar are added to it to create bee pollen. This pollen is then used to feed the young. Bee pollen is often referred to as “the bread of bees.”
What nutrients are found in bee pollen?
Bee pollen is one of the few foods that, in itself, is life sustaining. This is because it contains everything we need: It is 25 percent vegetable protein (including at least 18 amino acids and all eight essential amino acids) and contains more than a dozen vitamins, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes and coenzymes, and carbohydrates. This adds up to a nutritional, more-than-a-food gift for us. Dr. Paavo Airola, a well-known nutritionist, states “Pollen is the richest and most complete food in nature.”
What is royal jelly?
Bee Pollen is often combined with royal jelly, another product of the honeybee. Royal jelly is nutrient rich, containing vitamins, minerals, and the essential amino acids. It is known as “the milk of the hive.” In the community of the hive, only the queen bee is permitted to use this substance.
What will bee pollen do for me?
Bee pollen is a whole food and the nutrients are in perfect balance, making it easily digestible and readily assimilated into the bloodstream. Historical references are found in the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, and in ancient writings from around the world. Since the 1950s, many analytical studies on bee pollen have been made, particularly at the Laboratory of Apiary Research, near Paris. These studies were performed on both mice and humans and show that bee pollen is nontoxic to animals and humans; that it contains antibiotic substances; and that it contains nutritive, energetic, and metabolic advantages. Airola says, “It increases the body’s resistance to stress and disease…” This is especially important today, when our immune system is continually being assaulted by pollutants and biocides.
There is so much to say about bee pollen that we suggest you visit your local library or health food store and ask for the materials found under “Suggested Reading.”
How might one use Bee Pollen?
- Generally 2 capsules before each meal. You may use more or less depending on your nutritional needs.
If you are new to bee pollen, you should take a small amount at first. Begin by taking 1 capsule a day, gradually increasing to 1 capsule 3 times a day, and then to 2 capsules 3 times a day.
You may take Bee Pollen™ with water or your favorite juice. Some of the nutrients in bee pollen are heat sensitive, so it is not recommended that you take it with hot liquids.
Since bee pollen contains energy-producing B-complex vitamins, it may keep some people awake if taken too late in the day.
Q & A
What is the difference between bee pollen and bee propolis? Bee pollen is “the bread of the bees.” Bees gather pollen from the stamens of flowers to create bee pollen. Bee propolis is the substance bees create from tree resins to keep the hive healthy.
I have allergies. Will I be allergic to bee pollen? Chances are bee pollen will not affect your allergies since flowering plants, which are the source of bee pollen, produce heavier pollen than non flowering trees and grasses, whose light, airborne pollen is responsible for most of our allergies.
Allergic reactions may occur if the bee pollen granules come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. If allergies are a concern, start by trying a small amount of bee pollen, as with any food tried for the first time.
Suggested Reading
Wade, Carlson. Bee Pollen and Your Health. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing, Inc. 1978.
Lyngheim, Linda, and Jack Scagnetti. Bee Pollen. Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Book Co. 1979.
Transcript of Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies; Committee on Appropriations, on Alternative Medicine, on Thursday, June 24, 1993. S181-21, 1993 Y4.AP 6/2:5. S. HRG.103-106 93-29894. (Ask a librarian for help.)