This is a recipe I made up for when we were doing a reboot and my daughters wanted some soup.    If you have been juicing all day or taking enzymes like Phyto Bio Forte and Digestion Specialist, then everything does not have to be raw. The enzymes will unlock the nutrients in this soup.

2 large stalks of broccoli – one used raw and the other sautéed

3 garlic cloves – sliced or minced fine

veggie spray for the pan or a tsp olive oil, if needed.

1 cup spinach (more or less to your taste)

1/2 red pepper

1/4 – 1/2 medium onion – any kind.

1/4 fresh parsley

1/2 tsp celery seed – optional (This is like Dong Quai in its makeup so use it often.)

nutritional yeast – optional. Can give it a cheesy taste.

4 cherry or grape tomatoes

1/2 sweet potato – peeled and cut very small. optional

Spray a non-stick pan and sauté the garlic, pepper and onion if you want. Add the spinach when done.

In 2 cups of water bring 1 stalk of broccoli to boil and simmer for about 3 minutes. Turn the heat off and put 2 cups of the broccoli/water mix into a food processor. Process until as smooth as possible with the sauté mix, the other raw broccoli stalk, tomatoes and celery seasoning (sweet potato if you are including that too.

Add it all back to the rest of the broccoli and water.

Enjoy with nutritional yeast on the top if you’d like. It is very good but even better when you have become used to green juicing.

This recipe is 1/2 raw and 1/2 gently cooked but packed with nutrients. Sautéing will bring out the flavors of the soup more.

This soup is loaded with calcium which is important to the Infertility Diet, is a mostly raw soup, is a heart healthy soup and supplies a good amount of green to your diet.


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