by infertility | Articles, Juicing, Juicing Recipes, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Step 3 - Finish Strong
So you have completed the shutdown and feel strong and fertile; what now? The next things you do are very important: First and most importantly, you keep doing all the healthy eating, diet and exercise things you have come to “love”. Make sure to have...
by infertility | Articles, Cleansing for Fertility, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build
The purpose of the NPC Shutdown program (aka Cleansing for TTC Shutdown) is to not only achieve pregnancy, but to conceive and carry a healthy baby through healthier parents – overcoming both female and male infertility. (Click on links for topical info.) Get...
by infertility | Articles, Cleansing for Fertility, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, PCOS, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build
The FAQs of how to use natural progesterone cream during the NPC Shutdown / Cleanse. Join our private group at Facebook. Click to like THIS page and then join THIS group. Recap – The Purpose (read more on the full Purpose page): 1: To cleanse the major...
by infertility | Articles, Infertility Testimonies, Juicing, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build, The InFertility Diet
This testimony is from M who does not want her name, her husband’s or her baby boy’s on the web but feels that her testimony might help others. Her natural approach to health paid off; TWICE. But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,...
by infertility | Articles, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, PCOS, Step 1 - Diagnosis
PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal diseases affecting reproductive-aged women. Unfortunately, it is also the most under-diagnosed. Causes of Ovarian Cysts: Hormonal imbalance Hypothyroidism Dietary factors Genetic predisposition...
by infertility | Articles, Miscarriage, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Pregnancy Everything
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss First off, we are sorry for your losses and understand better than anyone. Recurrent pregnancy loss is frustrating and disheartening. And, it often comes after finally overcoming infertility. You are not alone in your pain and frustration....
by infertility | Articles, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build
According to Dr. John R. Lee, MD It is sometimes necessary to “shut off” the ovaries for a few months to allow the body to heal. PCOS, PCOD, short luteal phases, ovarian cysts, and other similar fertility issues will impede the body’s ability to...
by infertility | Articles, Cleansing for Fertility, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, The Fertility Store
How to choose a natural progesterone cream for the NPC Shutdown – cleansing program for fertility (infertility) You may be thinking right now “Just cut to the chase and tell me what I need to do.” Our website is not the quick fix but THE fix. It is...
by infertility | Articles, Herbs for Fertility Overcoming Infertility, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown
Q: What other products/herbs/foods might be helpful to use during this time? A: Let me answer this by explaining a little about how the body works. This will help you understand why some things might not be good right now and why others may help the process along....
by infertility | Articles, Fertility Basics, Fertility Products, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Pregnancy Everything, Step 1 - Diagnosis, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build, The Fertility Store
Most women on the internet who are searching day and night to find fertility answers to infertility problems have read about natural progesterone cream. Do most women understand the subject of natural progesterone, progesterone the hormone or what progesterone cream...