Clomid or Clomiphene Citrate: The whole story
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 I have added a few questions as a checklist at the end of some paragraphs. Please read this carefully and consider natural alternatives such as cleansing, dietary changes or herbs. Please consider cleansing and building for TTC for the sake of your own health and that of your baby. Clomid forces an action that is not natural to the body and its intensity in the days of use is only the beginning of the many dangers.

According to the Physician’s Desk Reference

Why is this drug prescribed?
Clomiphene is prescribed for the treatment of ovulatory failure in women who wish to become pregnant and whose husbands are fertile and potent.    

My notes: Has your husband been checked with a semen analysis test? See testing in our store.

Most important facts about this drug
Properly timed sexual intercourse is very important to increase the chances of conception. The likelihood of conception diminishes with each succeeding course of treatment. Your doctor will determine the need for continuing therapy after the first course. If you do not ovulate after 3 courses or do not become pregnant after 3 ovulations, your doctor will stop this therapy.

My notes: If you have been on Clomiphene, has your doctor informed you of this? How many courses have you completed? Does your doctor have your best interest in mind if you have been given more than the FDA allows?

How should you take this medication?
Take this medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor:  

My notes: I have not included “If you miss a dose” or “Storage”. These 2 paragraphs are not important here.

What side effects may occur?
Side effects occur infrequently and generally do not interfere with treatment at the recommended dosage of clomiphene. They tend to occur more frequently at higher doses and during long-term treatment.    

My notes: Above it mentions 3 courses or 3 ovulations, where does “long-term treatment” fit into that? It appears that “long-term treatment” is not advised. Consider what dosage and how many courses you are on.

More common side effects include:
Abdominal discomfort, enlargement of the ovaries and hot flushes (hot flashes).

Less common side effects include:
Abnormal uterine bleeding, breast tenderness, depression, dizziness, fatigue, hair loss, headache, hives, inability to fall or stay asleep, increased urination, inflammation of the skin, light-headedness, nausea, nervousness, ovarian cysts, visual disturbances, vomiting, weight gain.

My notes: Has your doctor informed you of these? If you want to find out how common these are, go to an infertility message board on the WWW and ask what side effects others experienced. You may be surprised what is common and what is “less common”.

Why should this drug not be prescribed? – If you are pregnant or think you may be, do not take this drug.

Unless directed to do so by your doctor, do not use this medication if you have an uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal gland disorder, an abnormality of the brain such as a pituitary gland tumor, a liver disease or a history of liver problems, abnormal uterine bleeding of undetermined origin, ovarian cysts or enlargement of the ovaries not caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (a hormonal disorder causing lack of ovulation).

My notes:  Has your doctor tested you for ovarian cysts or PCOD/PCOS? Most of the women who come through our site and have tried Clomid to become pregnant have done so BECAUSE they have cysts and don’t know how to get rid of them.
Read about the NPC Shutdown on our site as an alternative to Clomid.

Special warnings about this medication:
Your doctor will evaluate you for normal liver function and normal estrogen levels before considering you for treatment with clomiphene.

My notes: Have these tests been done? You have no idea how insane a woman can feel on Clomid if she has inadequate estrogen levels. It is like a constant churning for estrogen to build up when there is too little to do so.

Your doctor will also examine you for pregnancy, ovarian enlargement or cyst formation prior to treatment with this drug and between each treatment cycle. He or she will do a complete pelvic examination before each course of this medication.

My notes: Has this been done, for you, in between each course of Clomiphene?

Clomiphene treatment increases the possibility of multiple births; also, birth defects have been reported following treatment to induce ovulation with clomiphene, although no direct effects of the drug on the unborn child have been established.

My notes: It is interesting to note that this is not a common phrase in the PDR. Why do you suppose it is here? The PDR requires these things to be in writing if there is any possible association. Why does it say the possibility is there but none have been found? If none were found then wouldn’t it be unnecessary to add this to the statement? It is like saying “Your baby might not have teeth, but that has not happened yet.”  

Because blurring and other visual symptoms may occur occasionally with clomiphene treatment, you should be cautious about driving a car or operating dangerous machinery, especially under conditions of variable lighting.

If you experience visual disturbances, notify your doctor immediately. Symptoms of visual disturbance may include blurring, spots or flashes, double vision, intolerance to light, decreased visual sharpness, loss of peripheral vision, and distortion of space. Your doctor may recommend a complete evaluation by an eye specialist.


Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS, enlargement of the ovary) has occurred in women receiving treatment with clomiphene. OHSS may progress rapidly and become serious. The early warning signs are severe pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting and weight gain. Symptoms include abdominal pain, abdominal enlargement, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight gain, difficult or labored breathing, and less urine production. If you experience any of these warning signs or symptoms, notify your doctor immediately.

To lessen the risks associated with abnormal ovarian enlargement during treatment with clomiphene, the lowest effective dose should be prescribed. Women with the hormonal disorder, polycystic ovarian syndrome, may be unusually sensitive to certain hormones and may respond abnormally to usual doses of this drug. If you experience pelvic pain, notify your doctor. He may discontinue your use of clomiphene until the ovaries return to pretreatment size.

Because the safety of long-term treatment with clomiphene has not been established, your doctor will not prescribe more than 6 courses of therapy. Prolonged use may increase the risk of a tumor in the ovaries.

My notes: Has your doctor mentioned this or gone past 6 courses? We have had a host of women tell us that their doctor did many more rounds than this. Unfortunately, a friend of “Laura” (whose testimony is found here) died after giving birth to twins from Clomid. Laura tried to convince her to seek out a more natural route but she declined. Thank God that Laura found our group and has 2 beautiful children.

Special Information – If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you become pregnant, notify your doctor immediately. You should not be taking this drug while you are pregnant.

My last notes, for now, on the subject of Clomid. The highlighted paragraphs above should raise questions in your mind about what your doctor may even know about this drug. Pardon my protective sarcasm but women with hormonal disorders such as PCOS, are the usual ones who go on Clomid. It is used for women who are not conceiving otherwise and usually because of cysts and do not know there are alternatives to dangerous drugs. Consider the NPC Shutdown as an alternative.

[sc:NPCshutdown ]


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