How to use egg whites in place of cervical mucus:

Leave the egg out to make it room temperature. So you won’t be shocked by the cold.   : )

When ready to use it, just crack the egg open and pour only the whites into a small cup, bowl, or jar, and use an eye dropper or syringe to squeeze in the egg whites.

Have DH shoot it into you while you are laying with your legs up, maybe even propped up on pillows. “Dance your dance” and relax.

Then it is up to the “swimmers” to begin their journey.

Important Note: It is the protein makeup that makes egg whites a viable alternative to cervical mucus. Vaseline or lubricants like KY jelly will not give the same results and will actually deter fertility.

Consider a sperm safe gel like Slippery Stuff instead of these other over-the-counter aids.


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