Candida Test

Take this quick candida/yeast questionnaire and score yourself at the end to know YOUR personal yeast connection, if any.

by Toni Schumacher $5.95 Bookstore

“Candida seems to strike women more often than men. As with all other forms of infection, a compromised host resistance is the primary cause of Candida Albicans. The problem occurs when there is an abnormal fungus yeast growth that is normally controlled by ‘friendly bacteria’ in the intestines.

When factors such as antibiotics, steroids (like cortisone), birth control pills and refined sugar are used in excess, ‘friendly bacteria’ and/or specific nutrients in the blood are destroyed. Host resistance is then lowered and the yeast fungi begin to invade and colonize the body’s cells, tissues and –finally– organs. A strong, healthy immune system will, of course, contain Candida’s growth. Only when host resistance is lowered can Candida invade and colonize the tissues. When colonized these yeast fungi release toxic chemicals into the blood. Toxic chemicals produced by the Candida fungi attack the immune system, allowing the fungi to continue their tissue invasion and to cause more serious symptomatic disorders.”

This is the Candida Questionaire from the book “Candida – The Slow Killer.” Print this out or write your answers on a piece of paper. Answer yes or no for each question and then add up your score at the end to find your answer.

1) Have you taken repeated rounds of antibiotic drugs? Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

2) Have you taken cortisone?
3) Have you ever taken birth control pills?
4) Have you ever had "jock itch" or athlete’s foot?
5) Do you have anal itch or rash?
6) Have you ever had "thrush"?
7) Do you drink coffee or pop?
8) Have you ever had a vaginal yeast infection?
9) Have you ever had a fungal infection around or or under fingernails or toenails      or on the skin?
10) Do you have silver fillings in your teeth?
11) Have you ever had a series of x-rays?
12) Do you have recurring ear infections?
13) Have you been troubled by PMS, vaginitis, abdominal pains, prostatitis or a loss of sexual interest or feeling?
14) Do you crave sugar, breads or alcoholic beverages?
15) Are you sensitive to tobacco, perfume or other chemical odors?
16) Are you bothered by recurrent digestive disorders?
17) Are you bothered by fatigue, depression, poor memory or nerves?
18) Are you bothered by hives, psoriasis or other chronic skin disorders?
19) Do you feel sick all over?
20) Are you bothered by headaches, muscle or joint pains?
21) Do you have dry mouth or sore throat?
22) Do you have bad breath?
23) Do you suffer from insomnia or drowsiness?
24)Do you suffer from diarrhea or constipation?   
25) Do you have bloating, belching, or intestinal gas?
26) Do you have a white mucous film on your tongue in the morning?
Rating your answers:

3-4 "yes" answers, yeast possibly plays a role in causing your symptoms.

5-6 "yes" answers, yeast probably plays a role in causing your symptoms.

7 or more "yes" answers, your symptoms are almost certainly yeast connected.

The herbs and supplements Theresa Schumaker recommends to build the immune system while you are dealing with the candida are:
Herbal Fiberblend *Barleygreen
Composure Proancynol 2000
Pau D’Arco tea or extract Chloratone (chlorophyll)
Acidophilus  Digestive Enzymes, Prepzymes
Garlic  Vitamin E
Zinc *Carrots -juiced or *powder (Just Carrots)
Vitamin C *Beets – juiced or *powder (RediBeets)
Exercising for 15-20 minutes a day.

* indicates products that we carry. This book also contains some menu ideas and the recipes to go with them. We are sure you will find it a wonderful book.


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