
Take the Hypothyroid test if you feel you might have it or merely be borderline which is a common reason for miscarriages:

When you first wake up in the morning, take your temperature for 15 minutes before getting up or moving, under your arm. Be careful not to move and to hold it still. If your temps are 97.6 degrees for several days in a row than you are at least borderline or have temporary hypothyroid. You may have what would be called”symptomatic hypothyroid” which has more to do with your hormones being off than your thyroid itself. Be sure not to on any medication unless ALL of your T-levels are out of ranges. Otherwise you will be hurting your chances more.

If you have low temps but not clinical hypothyroid, this may be brought on by hormonal balance which can be corrected quickly by natural progesterone supplementation and iodine supplementation like kelp. Iodized salt is not the best source of iodine. Iodized salt is much like using bleached white flour with vitamins put into it rather than the actual iodine that comes from the ground and sea.

Kelp is also very important to the diet. See Green Barley and Chlorophyll for more information on the value of kelp and greens as supplements.

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