
Is A Hysterectomy The Answer to Your Situation?

“Before you submit yourself to a hysterectomy, I strongly recommend you reconsider, unless you clearly have a malignant cancer. The leading reasons given for hysterectomies are fibroids, uterine prolapse (the uterus falls from its normal position), and endometriosis. As you have read here, fibroids and endo can usually be effectively helped with some natural progesterone cream, and there are many other ways to deal with uterine prolapse. If you want all the details and reasons not to have a hysterectomy, read Dr. West’s book, The Hysterectomy Hoax.

If you have already had a hysterectomy and are struggling with the side effects of synthetic hormone replacement therapy, ask your doctor to use natural hormones. I have my patients wean themselves off HRT by gradually (over a period of 3-4 months) reducing their dosage, while at the same time using progesterone cream. In those very few women who still have hot flashes or vaginal dryness, I give them some estrogen cream, usually estriol, (which you can ask your doctor for) to use intravaginally for a few months, and they are then able to taper off that.”

This is a quote from Dr. John Lee’s book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause.

If you have already had a hysterectomy consider natural progesterone cream to help you through hot flashes and common symptoms of the sudden drop in progesterone from having your ovaries removed.

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