Many of the detoxifying juice fasts and programs agree on the best way to start the day; with a lemon! Waking up your liver, gallbladder and pancreas with a Morning Pucker.

It doesn’t get any easier: 

  • Roll a lemon on the counter and press firmly as you do.
  • Cut off one end, enough to put in a hand juicer gadget (shown here) or use a manual citrus juicer. Pour or juice into your glass.
  • Boil some water and put about /4 cup of hot water and 2/3 cup cool water in a glass. (Pour in the cool water first so the glass doesn’t break.)
  • Make sure the seeds are out of the glass.
  • Drink it down and pucker up.
  • Let it sit with you while you juice your Morning Sunrise or Good Morning Greens.
  • Enjoy! Read all about lovely lemons.


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