Morning Sunshine is how I start the day every day of my life. It is great for weight loss, and the Vitamin C makes it amazing for fertility / infertility. Nourish your adrenals and save your hormones.

The most important thing to know about juicing for weight loss, fertility, detoxing (detoxifying) is how to start your day. Consider that every night you probably go to bed thinking that tomorrow is going to be different. Well tomorrow truly CAN be different!

Start your day with the Morning Pucker.

Then get your juicing going and add these to the hopper:

  • 1 medium grapefruit
  • 1 juice orange or a juicy orange. Juicing oranges has thinner skin. It is not the same as a navel orange, and they are smaller. They might have spots on them, but that is OK.
  • 1 lemon, with the rind removed or cut off. Leave some of the pith (the white part) if possible. Though it is more bitter than the center, it is where a high concentration of Vitamin C is found.
  • 1 – 1″ cube of ginger root. You can leave the skin on if it is organic or cleaned.
  • Optional to take the edge off would be a few strawberries, leaves, and all.


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