According to Dr. John R. Lee, MD It is sometimes necessary to “shut off” the ovaries for a few months to allow the body to heal. PCOS, PCOD, short luteal phases, ovarian cysts, and other similar fertility issues will impede the body’s ability to conceive.
In our history of helping couples to conceive naturally, we have to come to understand the connections between the liver, colon, (including parasites residing in them) kidneys and background issues inhibiting fertility. Time always feels short, especially for couples who have been trying for some time to conceive. Naturally, couples are anxious about the time and don’t normally want to take 3 months off. Once we have helped them to understand the importance of cleansing, according to traditional Chinese medicine and herbal medicine’s wisdom, they can embark on a journey using a powerful plan to achieve fertility naturally AND safely. We do not say powerful lightly.
This plan WORKS! We have every reason to believe it may very well work for YOU!
I will venture to say that most of the women (and men) who come through our site and support group take part in this cleanse. Most leave pregnant; IF they have followed the plan to get healthier.
We have put these pages together since 1998, through the study of alternative medicine, traditional folk uses of herbs, and for restoration and building of the body. In this case, of course, we focus on finding information to support these actions in the reproductive “department.” It is our wish to help you conceive, as many others have, naturally.
Join our InfertilityWorkshop group at Yahoo and view our archives and history of chat subjects. You can also sign up for our newsletter for specials and tips.
Visit the Overview page to get started correctly on this journey. We apologize for dragging you around our site while we clean up old links.