NPC Shutdown – How To Cleanse

NPC Shutdown – How to cleanse and detox and Detoxifying FAQs

This is the article you have been waiting for – How to actually do the NPC Shutdown.  Are you ready for the 3-month cleanse?

For a history, recap and purpose of this program start here: NPC Shutdown Overview

The purpose of a good cleanse is to clean, repair and rebuild these systems as quickly, healthily and thoroughly and as naturally as possible. Once you are pregnant you will not be able to go backward or when you are nursing. The truth is for your own health and not just fertility, there is no better time if you have never done a full body cleanse. You will feel great afterward.


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Q: What are the most important, must have supplements for the cleanse?  Read the NPC Shutdown FAQ about natural progesterone as well.

A: The most important items are:

  • Natural Progesterone Cream – 3 Jars/Pumps.  Jars are easier to get all the cream out of.  We recommend Cycle Balance Cream because it is cold-processed.  That means it is better used by your body than other creams that are heated in manufacturing.  If you have a history of heavy painful periods, Cycle Balance PLUS.  The other cream on our list would be Balance Cream.
  • Next would be something to track fertility with; to follow your ferning or your temps to get used to it during this time.  Our recommendation is the Fertility Tracker.  It is the best product for “seeing” what your cycle is doing instead of just temperatures.    Not necessary if you are on a budget but great if you can afford it.  This product is usable for years to come.
  • Now decide by the information below just how healthy you want or need to get.  The tops would be the Infertility Cleanse – 3 bottles – for a deep cleanse each month for 15 days, Female Hormone Balance – 3 bottles – and Super Energy Plus – 3 bottles – as a great every day nutritional supplement that also nourishes glands.
  • Bentonite clay and a parasite cleanse are the next in line to consider.
  • If you are interested in losing weight then Weightloss Green Coffee and Diet One Day are our favorite choices for losing weight.  Both have the best track record, with Lose While You Snooze coming at a close third.
  • There are multi-product combos available called NPC Shutdown.  The combos save money by having these highlighted products put together.  You can even swap out something that has the same retail value if it is a Whole Family Product.
  • Be sure to read the articles about eating healthy and diet/lifestyle changes as well.

Q: What’s the big deal about cleansing for trying to conceive?

A: There are 12 systems in the body. Although the cleanse is targeted toward certain systems, all twelve body systems are affected with any detox program.  Notice how many of the supplements affect more than one system.  It really is important to detox your whole body.  Below we explain about these systems but dietary changes, not just supplements really is the way to go.

  • Excretory System – large colon – we will be focusing on ridding the colon of toxic “left over” hormones.
    Healing Bentonite Clay helps to draw impacted fecal matter and heavy metals from the colon.
    Infertility Maintenance Cleanse   targets the same but in capsule form.
  • Digestive System – liver, salivary glands, gall bladder and pancreas
    Infertility Cleanse is meant to be used 15 days at a time to pull out heavy toxins from the digestive tract.
    Milk Thistle Liver Cleanse clears the liver which is helpful to processing hormones properly.  Used in traditional fertility medicine through the centuries.
    Alive Probiotics aid in recolonizing the colon with good flora.  This helps to strengthen the immune system, fight bacteria from STDs and rid the body of yeast; an strong enemy of fertility.
    Digestion Specialist  Most people don’t get enough enzymes in their food due to a poor diet and lack of healthy, uncooked fruits and veggies.  Enzymes are the spark of life and necessary for the body to create NEW life.
    Yeast Away Kit is an excellent combo for ridding the body of yeast overgrowth or after anti-biotics.
  • Endocrine System – glands, pineal, pituitary, uterus, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes
    Serrazyme is a particular enzyme that targets removing waste and dead tissue such as pus from cysts, endometriosis and stagnant blood pools
    Red Raspberry Leaf strengthens the uterus and is one of the most prescribed herbal folk remedies for pregnant women.
    Thyroid Caps are helpful to women who always have low temps.  This is the best indicator that the thyroid may be sluggish
    Natural Progesterone Cream which is certainly the most important part of this regimen.  NPC is used during the 3 months in a way that differs from normal application, in a way that will actually shut off ovulation.  This is not the same as if you don’t ovulate on your own.  We explain more about this further on.
    Super Energy Plus 180 targets the liver and thyroid along with providing a power packed daily supplement.
    Healing Bentonite ClayInfertility Maintenance Cleanse   again
  • Lymphatic System – spleen, thymus, appendix, tonsils, lymph nodes, lymph vessels and fluid
    Infertility Cleanse is excellent for clearing out the blood and lymph as well.
  • Urinary System – kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra
    Cranberry Concentrate is helpful if you have concerns about urinary tract infections or cystitis.
    Yeast Away Kit is an excellent combo for ridding the body of yeast overgrowth or after anti-biotics.
  • Reproductive System – ovaries, ova, testes, sperm
    Natural Progesterone Cream
    Serrazyme is a particular enzyme that targets removing waste and dead tissue such as pus from cysts, endometriosis and stagnant blood pools.
  • Nervous System – brain, spinal cord, nerves – a good calcium supplement will nourish the nerves.  High fiber foods usually have healthy amounts of Folic Acid.
  • Circulatory System – heart, blood vessels, blood
    Serrazyme and Infertility Cleanse
  • Integumentary System – skin, hair, nails, oil and sweat glands – collagen supplements such as Lose While You Snooze (also helpful for weight loss and better sleep)
  • Respiratory System – lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, alveoli – Write to us for more info if you have concerns.
  • Skeletal System – all bones, cartilage, joints – the best defense is an alkaline diet.  If you have achy joints consider MSM Creme.
  • Muscular System – all muscular tissue.  Write to us for more info.
  • Weightloss is not a system but we target losing weight for TTC as well for those who need it.
    Diet One Day, Lose While You Snooze and Digestion Specialist

These 12 systems are written about in more depth here.  So let’s take one part of you at a time, shall we?  We have suggested supplements we feel are the most important.  Any time you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information or the cost, just write to us and ask for help.

The first system that will be benefit from cleansing is the Excretory System.  I cannot tell you how many women who are TTC have constipation or diarrhea; or vacillate between the two.

Excretory System – large colon – we will be focusing on ridding the colon of toxic “left over” hormones.

  • Healing Bentonite Clay would be an excellent choice because of the many uses for bentonite clay.  Heck you can even use it as a mask for acne.  It is incredible for drawing out toxic waste from the colon.  It can be used in combination with Infertility Maintenance Cleanse to flush out left over fecal matter and remove toxic build up of heavy metals.  BOTH are not necessary but helpful and healthful if possible.   This is a daily maintenance during cleansing.
    Healing Bentonite Clay can be added to shakes, as it is tasteless.
  • The Infertility Maintenance Cleanse provides fiber, a small amount of bentonite clay and herbs for a total colon cleansing.  Not necessary but a good alternative if you do not like the idea of the clay.  Infertility Maintenance Cleanse contains a small amount of bentonite clay in each capsule.
  • Alive Probiotics restores the good bacteria in the colon after constipation, diarrhea or other intestinal disorders. Probiotics are essential if you have ever used anti-biotics.   Our family would not be without this product every day.  It is amazing for warding off sickness; especially stomache bugs or disorders.

If you have ever had any issues with constipation or diarrhea for any period of time then your bowel could use a good cleaning. This is one of the most important parts of the body to cleanse.  For those who have a history of constipation PLEASE consider parasite cleansing.  No one wants to think about it but if that is you, you almost certainly have them.

They say that death begins in the colon because nutrients cannot penetrate the buildup on its walls from years of the American Diet. Constipation also inhibits the removal of excess estrogens and allows parasites to incubate taking your nutrients and leaving excrement behind.  No one wants to know that they have parasite poop in them but it is true.

PARASITES: If you have any history of constipation, foreign travel, itching in your anus area, eating sushi or other common invitations to parasites we strongly recommend parasite cleansing for both you and your spouse. In truth most will deny that they could have parasites when it is estimated that 95% of the world has them. Parasites do not respect persons, countries or nationalities. Parasites love everyone.

We have had so many men and women who did not believe they needed to do this kind of cleanse and the write to me and tell me their horror stories of what came out. At first it may be a scary idea but consider whether you would like them “here” or “there”. You can find this in our Beyond Fertility Catalog but we don’t make that part of the “must haves.”


Digestive System – liver, salivary glands, gall bladder and pancreas
Like the colon, the liver can store excess estrogen and hormones; for men as well.
Infertility Cleanse and Milk Thistle Liver Cleanse, Alive Probiotics, Yeast Away Kit and Digestion Specialist.

  • A congested or dirty liver can be a signal that the kidneys are at risk or at least overworked and under nourished. Kidneys are the wellspring of life to the body. The Japanese actually use to ask “How is your liver?” when greeting one another as an indicator of one’s health.
  • If your temps are low then you want to clear the liver and nourish the thyroid (part of the glandular system). It is common to blame the thyroid for low temperatures first but it is the liver that becomes overburdened and then down affect the line.
  • The liver is responsible for warming the blood and is the first organ to consider if you are always cold. The thyroid is secondary.
  • The liver is the main toxin filter and when it becomes muddied, it can no longer protect the body from toxins.
  • Read about Galactorrhea (especially if dairy is a big part of your diet) in our Getting Started in TTC section. If you believe you have galactorrhea the liver is especially important to cleanse.

Also part of the digestive system is how food is broken down. Enzymes (read about the Importance of pH Balance) are the sparks of life found in raw, live foods. They can also be supplemented in capsules but it is best to learn to eat correctly.  (Daily Fruits and Veggies is a way to start getting the benefits of fruits and vegetables before your eating habits improve.)  If your diet is low in raw, live foods then it means your liver is being taxed to break down food and distribute nutrients through the blood stream.

  • Milk Thistle is a wonderful herb for the liver. It is one of the most highly recommended for the endocrine system. Consider this herb is you have high blood pressure or cannot tolerate licorice root; also good for the liver.  Milk Thistle Liver Cleanse
  • Infertility Cleanse is a 15 day on and 15 off program that cleanses blood, liver and colon.
  • Alive Probiotics restores the good bacteria in the colon after constipation, diarrhea or other intestinal disorders. Probiotics are essential if you have ever used anti-biotics. Great for stomach disorders.
  • Digestion Specialist provides the necessary enzymes for a diet lacking in live, whole, nutritious food. It is very helpful to those with constipation on a regular basis.

Endocrine System – glands, pineal, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes
The endocrine system includes your glands, thyroid, ovaries and testes. Level hormones are very important to the function of these body parts.

  • Our number one product for restoring hormonal balance is Female Hormone Balance; a wonderful herbal combination which helps to even out cycles and restore balance, as the name says.  Female Hormone Balance has a number of testimonies about helping to shorten long cycles.  If you have long cycles, not due to ovarian cysts, it may be for you.
  • Serrazyme contains a powerful enzyme called serrapeptase which is amazing. It actually eats away, and causes the body to excrete, dead tissue, pus (as in cysts), adhesions and even plaque from the blood stream. If you have cysts, fibroids or endometriosis, it is an essential consideration. (Endometriosis Pack)
  • Thyroid Caps contain herbs and kelp for nourishing the thryoid. Great for low temperatures as it will help the liver as well.
  • Natural Progesterone Cream of course is the foundation of the cleansing and shutdown. Read more about it at the NPC FAQs page.
  • Super Energy Plus 180 for the glands and to nourish the thyroid while giving lots of energy.

Reproductive System – ovaries, ova, testes, sperm

  • Natural Progesterone Cream and Serrazyme See the information for the Endocrine System above.
  • If you are a man who has low sperm count you might want to consider Fertile Male or astragalus, a male energizing herb.
  • For women who are near their late 30s or even early 40s Fertile Lady can be helpful to increase fertility and enhance cervical mucus.

Circulatory System – heart, blood vessels, blood
The circulatory system is responsible for pumping blood around the body. It is the blood that carries nutrients around the body. Dirty, impure blood can also carry toxins and chemical hormones as well. If you have endometriosis it is especially important to cleanse your circulatory system.  It is vital to purify the  blood when you have endometriosis.

  • Dong quai is one of the most prescribed herbs for women’s disorders.  Dong quai is one of the ingredients in Female Hormone Balance a wonderful herbal combination which helps to even out cycles and restore balance, as the name says.  Female Hormone Balance has a number of testimonies about helping to shorten long cycles.
  • Serrazyme and Infertility Cleanse. Read about these above.

This is certainly only a brief overview of these systems but all are very important to nourishing and cleansing for the sake of the healthiest cells possible for you and baby.

Visit our FAQ NPC Shutdown page about natural progesterone cream during the cleanse.

Now is where you may feel the need to email me for more information. You may do so here.

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