NPC Shutdown – The Overview


The NPC Shutdown is a natural yet highly effective way of overcoming infertility for many many couples.  If you came from another site it is because women cannot help sharing their testimonies.  I am going to be as bold as anyone can.  This program WORKS!  We have been see great results since 1997.

Join our private group at Facebook.  Click to like THIS page and then join THIS group.

It is with great excitement, study and success that we have put together these pages.  We have a very high number of pregnant graduates; as well as babies and beyond.  We have been helping infertile couples since 1998 on the internet and in support groups.  Check out our new support group for the NPC Shutdown at Yahoo. (as of March 2014)

It is actually very simple and most of the women who come through our site and support group take part in this cleanse.   Of everything we suggest we have had the most success with these methods.


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Coming Up:

A recap from previous pages:

After reading Dr. Lee’s article about healing the ovaries, I began to practice these principles with the couples in my Infertility Workshop group at Yahoo and we found that with a little tweaking, it was very helpful for many couples who just needed a little time and a little cleansing to become pregnant naturally.  Since first writing about the NPC Cleanse we have been blessed to hear from women, literally all over the world, of how they followed some simple guidelines and it made all the difference to their fertility. They became pregnant and said good-bye to infertility.  Many of these couples had issues with male infertility as well.

The program draws from what we have learned from all aspects of health.  I don’t want to just tell you what to do but to teach you so that you can feel good about your choices.  I love to teach.  I love to mentor.  Suggestions for supplements, an infertility diet, weight loss for fertility,  juicing tips and recipes, as well as lifestyle changes are what we teach you at Infertility Workshop.   We don’t have a storefront here.  All products mentioned for this natural progesterone cream shutdown-detox-cleanse can be found at the Beyond Fertility Catalog.

Why not bookmark this site now: Press Ctrl + D and make it easy to return to or to recommend to your friends and favorite forums.  Or even add us to your list of RSS feeds.

The Overview:

  • The first thing we do is to determine what your needs are.  What is your diagnosis?  If you have short or long cycles, cysts, endometriosis, PCOD, PCOS or progesterone – estrogen imbalance for just some examples, we can help to tweak this plan to your needs.
  • The next part takes place during the NPC Shutdown.  We will work on your diet, lifestyle, teach you about tracking your fertility and more.
  • Let’s not forget your husbands.  Maybe they have concerns, issues.   This is a great time for everyone involved to be healthier and to be building better cells.
  • During the cleanse you may need to lose weight.  We will use this time to help you with what trips you up and keeps you from being your ideal weight and shape.
  • Lastly, after the cleanse it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  It is important to know what supplements to continue and what is not necessary any longer.  Maybe there is more time needed for certain situations.

Want to get to work? 

There are several steps and reasons for each part of the protocol:  Don’t go any further if you have not figured out if you need this or what’s ailing you.  What is your diagnosis?  If you have short or long cycles, cysts, endometriosis, PCOD, PCOS or progesterone – estrogen imbalance for just some examples, we can help to tweak this plan to your needs.

  1. If you have already figured out what’s ailing you, continue.
  2. The main purpose of the NPC Shutdown is to cleanse the major organs of the body that have stopped you from conceiving or carry to term.  By cleansing the blood, colon, lymph and liver you also affect the reproductive system.  Each supplement contains commonly used herbs for TTC and/or cleansing and detoxification.  Organs targeted are ovaries, liver and colon.
  3. The NPC Shutdown provides tips for healthier eating to support the efforts for a healthier baby; before and after conception, pregnancy and birth.  We have juicing recipes, smoothies and ideas for different diet approaches. We don’t believe in radical dieting but sometimes a jump start to give you a mental boost can help.  The NPC Shutdown is designed to help you to lose weight by supplementation and / or to change eating habits; which ever applies.  Remember that your husbands are part of the plan as well.  We include them in the supplements and diet suggestions, where applicable.
  4. Since the purpose of the NPC Shutdown is to restore the ovaries, whether they have cysts or luteal phase defect we pay close attention especially to how the cycle works. Shutting off FSH and LH surges for these 3 months have been known to help cysts to dissipate; to atrophy. This aspect focuses on luteal phase defect, PCOS, PCOD, as well as, endometriosis and even fibroids due to estrogen dominance and chemical hormone disruption.
  5. Lastly the NPC Shutdown mentors you in a healthier way of life; for every stage including what to do you when you are done.

Now let’s cleanse. Click to go to the next step:

How It All Started:  A brief history of how we got our start helping couples like you, like me.

NPC Shutdown – Overview:
A brief intro to the Natural Progesterone Cream Shutdown for the sake of repairing fertility and moving forward in a healthier way.

NPC Basics of NPC Shutdown:   CHANGE THIS
From getting healthy to adding your testimony to the many others; it is all here for you.

The Purpose of the Natural Progesterone Cream Shutdown:
It is merely to take 3 months to cleanse and make your body ready to healthily conceive your baby.

FAQs of natural progesterone cream

How to Cleanse during Shutdown


What happens next?

Testimonies of the NPC Shutdown




FAQs of natural progesterone cream during the NPC cleanse are the facts about how to use natural progesterone cream during the Shutdown and to answer your questions surrounding its use.

Natural progesterone cream is the crux of the NPC Shutdown.  There are also basic information about how to choose a natural progesterone cream.[/tab]

How to Cleanse during Shutdown gives an overview of the importance of cleansing your whole body and not just your ovaries.

Making a healthy environment for your baby and growing a healthy family is much more important than a quick fix.

Supplements for the Cleansing Shutdown is very important to the whole picture.

Choosing the best supplements can make all the difference to both male and female fertility.

Getting healthy can include enzymes, colon cleansing, juicing, diet and weight loss and more.

What happens next?

What happens if you don’t conceive right away?

What happens if you need to lose more weight or to get healthier?

What happens to your health during pregnancy?

Testimonies of the NPC Shutdown are a favorite part of our site. Many, many have completed the shutdown and through healthier lifestyles and bodies have conceived and given birth. Read about their TTC testimonies to give you hope for YOUR journey.
[/tabcontent] [/tabs]


The purpose of this program is: (Do not get all nervous about the time; it is worth it.)

The purpose of the NPC Shutdown program (aka Cleansing for TTC Shutdown) is to not ONLY achieve pregnancy, but to conceive and carry a healthy baby through healthier parents – overcoming both female and male infertilty. (Click on links for topical info.)

We have helped, literally, 1000s with this protocol. It works even for a large percent of women who have given up hope completely, many whom have failed over and over again with fertility drugs and IVF.

The cost is miniscule in comparison and teaches you how to live more healthily after conception as well.

There are several steps and reasons for each part of the protocol:

  1. The purpose of the NPC Shutdown is to cleanse the major organs of the body. By cleansing the blood, colon, lymph and liver you also affect the reproductive system. Each supplement contains commonly used herbs for TTC and/or cleansing and detoxification. Organs targeted are ovaries, liver and colon.
  2. The NPC Shutdown provides tips for healthier eating to support the efforts for a healthier baby; before and after conception, pregnancy and birth.
  3. The purpose of the NPC Shutdown is to restore the ovaries, whether they have cysts or luteal phase defect. Shutting off FSH and LH surges for these 3 months have been known to help cysts to dissipate; to atrophy. This aspect focuses on luteal phase defect, PCOS, PCOD, as well as, endometriosis and even fibroids due to estrogen dominance and chemical hormone disruption.
  4. The NPC Shutdown is designed to help you to lose weight by supplementation and / or to change eating habits; which ever applies.
  5. Lastly the NPC Shutdown mentors you in a healthier way of life; for every stage.

Let’s look at each step more closely. Click on each link to take you to its information. It will open in a new window so you can come back to this page each time to move forward.

Before beginning, you might consider reading about our How It All Started.  Understanding our commitment and history will help you to understand why so many link to us and how so many are helped by this program.

What’s your diagnosis?   Before you start, do you know what is preventing your conception or causing miscarriages?

NPC Shutdown – Natural Progesterone FAQs

NPC Shutdown – Cleansing and Detoxifying Basics

NPC Shutdown – Misc FAQs about extra supplements, diet, exercise etc.

NPC Shutdown – Eating for TTC

NPC Shutdown – Restoring Ovaries

NPC Shutdown – Endometriosis

NPC Shutdown – Luteal Phase Defect

NPC Shutdown – Losing Weight for TTC – It is always interesting to me that doctors will tell you to lose weight to get pregnant and will even prescribe Glucophage (or Metformin; same thing) to help with the onset of diabetes but will not stress the importance of certain foods to your health and well being. Foods recommended by the ADA; American Diabetes Association, the Glycemic Index and The Infertility Diet. Read also Weightloss and TTC We will discuss how certain foods mean so much to your health.

NPC Shutdown – Supplements and gadgets at our Fertility Store index

NPC Shutdown – Finding a Mentor




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