The “natural progesterone cream ovulation shutdown” is a mouthful. We call it instead, the NPC Shutdown and it really works!
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Many of you came here from a favorite forum. A friend there had great results using the NPC Shutdown. I hope you will take the time to read and process this information. I am so excited that you have come here on your journey to parenthood. Let me help you as I have, humbly and joyfully, helped so many others since 1998.
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NPC Shutdown – Misc FAQ – Other helpful herbs or regimens. Let’s get started, shall we? As mentioned in “How It All Started”, according to the late, great Dr. John R Lee, MD, very often when women have hormonal imbalance – often times leading to cysts and/or poor egg quality, it is sometimes necessary to shut “off” the ovaries for a few months to allow the body to heal. PCOS, PCOD, short luteal phases, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and other similar fertility issues will impede the body’s ability to conceive and carry to term. When the reproductive system shuts down it is a great time to work on cleansing the other parts of the endocrine system.
Though we don’t claim it will work for everyone, it has been exciting to witness babies being born to couples who were told they had NO CHANCE of conceiving. Many of them using these revised methods; all of them using natural methods. After working with so many couples, we have devised a plan of action that has been very successful.
Please take a minute to read my story – How It All Started, in order to understand how all of this came about. You might also want to check out Step 1 – Diagnosis page.
Although we are tackling the endocrine system, experience has shown us that cleansing the liver and colon makes sense at this time also. The liver and colon can become overtaxed and sluggish, which impedes fertility in a variety of ways. We will talk about body systems and how they tie into fertility in the Cleanse and Detox FAQ article.
Most couples are anxious about the time passing away and don’t normally want to take 3 months off. Once you understand the importance of cleansing, according to traditional herbal, whole body and Chinese medicine’s wisdom, you have a powerful plan to achieve fertility naturally and safely. Is a healthy baby the end goal or just a baby? Ask yourself that question.
As I mentioned before, I used the shutdown in late 1997 when I did something similar after I had my 7th miscarriage. Through the study of alternative medicine, traditional folk uses of herbs, and for restoration and building of the body I have developed a plan that has now been used for years, successfully. In dealing with fertility, we focus on finding information to support the reproductive “department.” It is our wish to help you conceive, as many others have, naturally.
Now please be patient with us. We want to give you a step by step process so we have to take you through that fully.
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