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Infertility Workshop . com came out of a desire to help couples, on the internet, to conceive naturally and against the odds. Since 1998 we have helped 1000s and have even met many of the children.  It is by God’s grace alone that we have been privileged to take a part in helping you all and we are challenged  to do even more.  We love babies and we love parents who are willing to do what it takes to have a happy, healthy baby by restoring their bodies first.  Read more about my story (Brenda) and the families we have been helping since even before 1998.

Visit our Site Map if you want to get a jump on your reading, in your own order.

Welcome aboard – now let’s get going!

There are three steps in our program to help you in overcoming infertility naturally.  We believe in educating you rather than just feeding you information but you can easily search for snippets of info on a subject as well.  Everyone needs to find out where they are in the game in order to play:

  1. Step 1 – Diagnosis
    This is where you have to find where you belong in all of this.    It will also help you to weed out where you have already been so your efforts and time are not wasted.
  2. Step 2 – Cleansing and Building  (or rebuilding health)
    This step can be followed by anyone at all who is hoping to get healthier.  We discuss better ways to eat, drink and exercise as well teaching you why.  We talk about supplements, herbs, vitamins and minerals and help you decide if you want to go the pills and extract root or the juicing and eating route; or a little of both.  We will teach it all to you.  Take out of it what you will.
  3. Step 3 – Finish Strong
    Finishing strong means not forgetting the baby growing inside you or the husband and children around you.  It means walking through a healthier life that requires stamina and persistence all rolled up in something called hands-on love.   Your baby needs you to pamper him through pregnancy and beyond.  Your years ahead of fertility and menopause have their foundation in what you do today.
  4. There is no Step 4 but there are always articles that don’t seem to fit into one category or another.  Visit the Site Map page, the category list on the sidebar or use the search function by keyword to continue your journey.
  5. Visit The Fertility Store page or Whole Family Health for the other healthy products which are not only related to infertility.

Here are a some article categories to get you reading.   Step 1 will help you to determine what your personal block to fertility might be and then to begin the one of the most important battles of your life.

The FAQs: Progesterone FAQs, Estrogen FAQs, Cycle FAQs  Cleansing for TTC

Fertility Basics:

  • Your fertility signals (understanding the female cycle)
  • (FAQ Menstruation)
  • (ovulation prediction)
  •  (Taking Temps)
  •  (Methods of Tracking Fertility)
  • Abbreviations for TTC – Trying To Conceive
  • TTC Terms Glossary
  • Best Time to Get Pregnant – What is the best day to get pregnant?

Articles to read early on:

  • Dangerous drugs and wrong foods:  Clomid, Provera, NSAIDS, Is Dairy killing your eggs? (Galactorrhea Milk Consumption  and Fertility), DES Explained, Glucophage,
  • Consider this:  Light Sensitivity, Ovary Info, The Importance of pH Balance To Fertility,
  • Hormonal Health Articles:  This is  a larger category but some of the articles include,   Progesterone Estrogen, Environmental Estrogen or Estrogen Dominance,  Environmental Estrogens,  Estrogen Effects vs Progesterone Effects,  Hairloss and Low Progesterone,   Menopause Symptoms and Natural Progesterone,  Progesterone Articles, Environmental Estrogen, Estrogen vs. Progesterone, Hormone Levels, Hypothyroid, Hypothyroid and Progesterone, Ovarian Cysts, Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance in Regards to Progesterone,  The Importance of Progesterone, Thyroid Function, Xenoestrogens – What are they?

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