by infertility | Articles, Cleansing for Fertility
For the immune system, life is hard. It is a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, 52-weeks-a-year battle against a well-equipped and persistent army trying to harm your health. The immune system never rests and must always be on red alert. It takes no furloughs. The...
by infertility | Articles, Bad Drugs and Bad Food, Getting Started in TTC, Natural Progesterone Cream
What your doctor may not tell you about the dangers of Depo Provera – DANGER AHEAD If you like what you learn here, please link to us and let your friends know too. (Press and Hold CTRL and the letter D now to bookmark our site.) Liking us on Facebook, linking...
by infertility | Articles, Bad Drugs and Bad Food, Getting Started in TTC
Clomid or Clomiphene Citrate: The whole story Please consider liking this page or linking to us and helping others not to fall prey. I have added a few questions as a checklist at the end of some paragraphs. Please read this carefully and consider natural...
by infertility | Articles, Bad Drugs and Bad Food
Birth Control Pills: The chemicals (progestins) in BCPs suppress the natural production of hormones, increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, and the inability to assimilate nutrients, all which prevent fertility. Deficiencies in Vitamins B6, B12, C, Folic...