Fertility Supplements

The following is from many sources such as Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition -Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Male infertility message board, A Practical Approach to Herbal Extracts and others. More is coming. Please keep checking back.

It is important to note that men also need proper levels of LH, FSH and testosterone,where for women Progesterone is the third important factor. Few men or women do not have enough estrogen. It is a myth for most.

Studies have shown rye pollen extracts to be more helpful than saw palmetto berry for the prostate. See hyper-links below for articles, product in formation and about research done regarding prostate problems and the male infertility connection.

The Uterus and Prostate work in much the same way and are almost mirrored images of each other in functions and appearance. As the proper function of the uterus for women is vital so is the proper function of the prostate for male fertility.

As in the post below Bee Pollen has an overall positive effect on prostrate function.

OPCs sole purpose is to fight free radicals. Protecting cells from attack means making them stronger. Cellular integrity is important to all aspects of health with one important function being the protection developing sperm and egg.

Progesterone believe it or not also helps a man by blocking the estrogen that binds testosterone. Progesterone supplementation has been linked to binding DHT which inhibits the production of testosterone according to the book by Drs. Lee and Hanley called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PREMenopause. (Find it in our Bookstore) A man would use about 1/16 of a tsp on and off through the month.

Selenium: Deficiency causes immobile sperm with fragile tails that break off. Selenium is depleted when a man ejaculates so it must be replaced regularly. Selenium is found in high concentration in Wheat Sprouts among other sources. Ask for a reputable natural supplement from your local health food store or eat sprouts; lots and LOTS.

Zinc – even a mild deficiency of zinc can cause drastic changes in sperm count. NOTE:improper copper to zinc ratios is one reason for PMS. Progesterone supplementation puts these back in balance.

Ginseng is very important for stress and to the adrenals to prevent burnout. According to the Naturopathic Handbook, Schizandra/Ginseng Compound is formulated with men in mind, but is nourishing to the adrenals for both men and women. This combination aids in stamina, anti stress, virility and others functions of the adrenal glands.

Lack of B vitamins (found in pollen extracts as well) has been linked to a reduction of pituitary function in male and females. They stimulate the production of LH and FSH which stimulate sperm production and testosterone secretion. See Bee Pollen read aboutB6 and progesterone production.

Vitamin A is very very important to both but especially to men. It benefits the lining cells of the testes’ seminiferous tubules – and these cells are the developing sperm.

The Lymphatic System plays the central role in building immune response. It enables the body to rid itself of bacteria and viruses, filters foreign substances and cell debris from the blood and produces lymphocytes. It removes toxins that originated in the environment and toxic waste products that our cells produce as part of their metabolism. If these toxins are not removed, they can build up in the blood and eventually poison us.

Dr. Lee recommends several herbs for healing the ovaries, fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts and infertility as well as a host of other reproductive disorders.

For me it is even more important (although important to both) because his reproductive system is all glandular function. Therefore keeping the glands problem free is especially important for men.

Vitamin C 1000mg per day raised levels of sperm count by 140% in the first week in one study. Some suggest as much as 2000-6000mg.

Clean kidneys is important also so that zinc is not lost through urine. Cranberry juice(pure) is good for men with urination problems which can be an early sign of prostrate problems.

Flaxseed oil is an excellent source of Essential Fatty Acids that are necessary for men in even higher amounts than women.

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