Food effects on acid-alkaline body chemistry, The effectsof common foods on pH balance. n/a = not applicable to this category.
The following table shows how each food affects us in a either an alkaline or acid way and do varying degrees. By eating a 80% alkaline and 20% acid forming diet we can cleanse past impurities as well as choosing healthy eating for the future. The way to a disease-free body is to stay within this 80-20 rule. Remember, as with all things, moderation is key. Do not be concerned with eating perfectly but remember to eat for health by choosing most of your foods from the alkaline side to the left. Lastly, since the degrees vary, you will want to keep in mind that it is always best to aid your balancing with products like Sea Aloe®, Alive Probiotics, Barleygreen, Colloidal Minerals, Chlorophyll and other alkalizing wholefoods and minerals.
Please allow me to make a suggestion that has worked for our family. First print this out. Then put a star or dot next to those items you like and would commit to eating more of. Do this also on the low acid foods as well. For our family we choose chicken and turkey as something to eat small amounts of when we were going to eat animal products as well as eggs. This is what we would do regardless but it is good to see it in front of you for your choices. Then circle the things you want to stay away from and cross out the things you have decided NOT to eat or you don’t like. Take this shopping with you and also build your meal planning and snacks around this. It will take the confusion out of the whole thing. Here is an example: For supper one night we chose brocolli, onions, garlic and potatoes WITH skins, which makes them alkaline, and sauteed these in a little olive oil then used one egg per person and made omellettes. This way we chose all alkaline forming foods and one low level acidic food. I think we added a little cheese as well on top. Now this is something anyone can do by looking at this list very easily. You can see by staying far to the left you can then add small amounts of acid foods rather than the whole meal revolving around the beef. Drinking green tea throughout the day is delicious and nutritious AND alkalizng. Lemon water is a great way also to alkalize AND drink water. This is a new page and we will be adding recipes and ideas from our family and others like yourself trying to be creative. Remember that adding a salad puts alkalinity right into your start of the meal. Adding a few leaves of spinach will throw it into a higher category. We will be adding more foods here as well as the questions WILL come, i’m sure. These references are from Acid and Alkaline by Herman Aihara and Alkalize or Die by Theodore A. Baroody, Ph.D., N.D. |