Hormone Testing Kits available in our store
LH - Luteinizing Hormone 5-20 mIU/mL (gonadotropin) signals egg to leave ovary
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone 14-16 mIU/mL (gonadotropin) stimulates follicles to produce eggs GnRH - Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone secreted by hypothalamus - control secretion of LH and FSH TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 0.4-7.0 uIU/mL T4 4.8-10.8 ug/dL T3 33-45 percent PROLACTIN 0-20 ng/mL TESTOSTERONE 20-70 ng/dL total adrenal and ovarian secretion FREE TESTOSTERONE 0.6-3.2 pg/mL sex binding protein levels may decrease with chronically elevated levels INSULIN 0-20 uU/mL increased insulin contributes to increased androgen by ovaries often the fasting insulin level is elevated even with normal glucose reading
Hormone Testing Kits available in our store