by infertility | Articles, Cleansing for Fertility, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build
The purpose of the NPC Shutdown program (aka Cleansing for TTC Shutdown) is to not only achieve pregnancy, but to conceive and carry a healthy baby through healthier parents – overcoming both female and male infertility. (Click on links for topical info.) Get...
by infertility | Articles, Cleansing for Fertility, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, PCOS, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build
The FAQs of how to use natural progesterone cream during the NPC Shutdown / Cleanse. Join our private group at Facebook. Click to like THIS page and then join THIS group. Recap – The Purpose (read more on the full Purpose page): 1: To cleanse the major...
by infertility | Articles, Infertility Testimonies, Juicing, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build, The InFertility Diet
This testimony is from M who does not want her name, her husband’s or her baby boy’s on the web but feels that her testimony might help others. Her natural approach to health paid off; TWICE. But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,...
by infertility | Articles, Estrogen Dominance, Natural Progesterone Cream, Step 1 - Diagnosis
Let’s look at dysmenorrhea, its diagnosis, cause and what can be done to help it. What is dysmenorrhea? Severe menstruation with pain and a lot of bleeding would describe dysmenorrhea best? You know what that means. Dreading not just the PMS but the actual...
by infertility | Articles, Estrogen Dominance, Natural Progesterone Cream, Step 3 - Finish Strong
Feminine health is as complicated as it gets. There are so many mysteries to the female reproductive system. If a “women’s” health issue arises, it is very important to deal with it properly and quickly to avoid long-term effects. Most feminine...
by infertility | Articles, Natural Progesterone Cream, Natural Progesterone Cream Cleansing Shutdown, Step 2 - Cleanse and Build
According to Dr. John R. Lee, MD It is sometimes necessary to “shut off” the ovaries for a few months to allow the body to heal. PCOS, PCOD, short luteal phases, ovarian cysts, and other similar fertility issues will impede the body’s ability to...
by infertility | Articles, Fertility Products, Pregnancy Everything, The Fertility Store, The InFertility Diet
The benefits of B-6 are many. Let’s look at the best of them: Vitamin B6 in its natural state, as opposed to isolated in a laboratory, will give your body the “nutrients” that are supposed to accompany it. A-nutrients are the balancing nutrients...